Unleash your inner DIY-ness!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pom-pom love-love

I'm excited, because pom poms have been making a huge come-back, and I am loving it! The trend is definitely on the rise, and the fuzzy suckers are being used in all sorts of things, from home décor - they are added to curtains, edges of pillows, blankets, towels, anything with an edge! - to apparel. They are easy to make from scratch, and inexpensive too, and creative people all over the interwebs are using them in their crafty projects. They simply add a flirty, playful vibe to anything.

I jumped at this opportunity by making these easy necklaces.

You can find the free tutorial from Honestly...WTF here.

Stay tuned, my next post will show you how to make a SUPER-cute pom-pom infinity scarf!